"London Stansted`s proposals could be delivered without any increase in the number of flights that are currently allowed, and include a legally binding commitment to reduce the noise footprint and an enhanced sound insulation scheme for residential properties close to the airport," Stansted said in a statement.
The application was rejected by the District Council on 24th January 2020 despite having been conditionally approved by them in November 2018.
"We have been listening to local communities over the last few years and we used their feedback to shape our proposals to make best use of Stansted`s existing capacity," airport CEO Ken O`Toole said. "As a result, the application we put forward would mean no increase in the number of flights that cato chen operate from Stansted each year."
Later this month London Stansted will formally submit an appeal to The Planning Inspectorate, an executive agency of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
© aero.uk | Image: Stansted Airport | 18/07/2020 08:37
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