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Heathrow faces strikes in December

Heathrow Airport
Heathrow Airport, © Heathrow Airport

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LONDON - Workers at Heathrow Airport are set to take strike action in a dispute over "plans to fire and rehire 4,000 workers on vastly reduced pay". The action by members of Unite will involve firefighters, engineers, campus security, baggage operations, operational and airside workers and will "effectively close the airport".

The workforce at Heathrow recorded an 85 per cent vote in favour of industrial action, according to Unite. "The first 24 hour strike will take place on Tuesday 1 December, with a further one day stoppage on Monday 14 December. A 48 hour stoppage will take place on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 December."

Heathrow Airport is trying to force workers to accept permanent pay cuts of up to 8,000 pounds per annum, a quarter of their total pay, Unite said.

According to the union, workers are being called to "one-to-one meetings over the fire and hire proposals". At the meeting workers are given four options: to accept the terms of the new contract with a lump sum payment, a phased buy down over two years of the new contract, voluntary severance, or resignation/termination of their contract.

Management has unilaterally told the 4,000 strong workforce that they will have just 24 hours to make a decision, the union said.

Heathrow reported 1.25 October passengers, down from 7.06 million passengers a year ago. Passenger traffic to North America eroded by 95 percent. The airport returned to a single runway operation this month.
© aero.uk | Image: Heathrow Airport | 17/11/2020 09:45

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