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Norwegian starts 2021 at 1 percent RPK

, © Norwegian

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OSLO - Norwegian keeps its capacity near zero. Only 74,224 passengers boarded a Norwegian flight in January - a decrease of of 96 percent compared to the same month in 2020.

"The pandemic continues to have a negative impact on our business as travel restrictions remain," said Norwegian CEO Jacob Schram. "We are doing everything in our power to come out of the examinership as a stronger, more competitive airline and we look forward to welcoming more customers on board as travel restrictions are lifted."

Norwegian operated eight aircraft on average in January, mainly on domestic routes in Norway. The capacity (ASK) was down 98 percent, and the total passenger traffic (RPK) was down by 99 percent. Its load factor was 35.9 percent, down 45 percentage points.
© | 16/02/2021 09:14

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