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Heathrow to increase passenger service fees

Heathrow Airport
Heathrow Airport, © Heathrow Airport

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LONDON - The UK Civil Aviation Authority approved new passengers service fees that will help Heathrow airport to cope with the financial consequences of the Covid-19 drop in traffic. This includes a new "airport cost recovery charge" of 8.90 pounds on each departing passenger levied through the remainder of 2021.

Heathrow raises passengers fees to cover its expenses. The new charge has been developed with airlines to reflect passenger-related airport services and could be removed by 2022, the airport said. Heathrow will also increase baggage handling fees by 4.44 pounds per checked luggage.´

The airport suffered a 2.0 billion pound loss in 2020 on a 73 percent decline in passanger traffic.

© | Image: Heathrow Airport | 01/03/2021 15:06

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