Quarantine-free travel
Older than 7 days

Qantas and Air New Zealand add flights

, © Qantas

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SYDNEY - The opening of a quarantine-free travel zone between Australia and New Zealand spurred instant demand for flights Monday. Hundreds of passengers crowded terminals to catch a Qantas or Air New Zealand flight marking and end to months of travel restrictions between the countries.

"It is the first time in 400 days that people can travel quarantine-free and we are adding 16 return flights a day to New Zealand, and they are full," Qantas Chief Executive Alan Joyce told ABC in an Interview Monday.

Passengers in the travel zone may enter Australia and New Zealand without a quarantine regime.

Joyce is hopeful thatquarantine-free travel corridors may soon open up flights to other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
© aero.uk | Image: Qantar | 19/04/2021 08:00

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