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Ryanair 737 MAX deliveries may slip to September

, © Boeing

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LONDON - Ryanair mulls to defer introduction of its first Boeing 737 MAX aircraft from summer to autumn 2021.

The first 737 MAX deliveries to Ryanair may slip to September as Boeing struggles to obtain FAA documents to release the aircraft to customers.

The delays - Ryanair had expected its first batch of 16 737 MAX by May - hinge on "a fairly straightforward issue", Ryanair CEO Eddie Wilson told Reuters.

If Boeing cannot provide the aircraft any time soon, Ryanair may reschedule deliveries by another couple of months. "In the normal course of events we don't take aircraft in the summer months," Wilson said.

Ryanair ordered the 737 MAX 8200 - an LCC specification with 197 seats and own stairs. The aircraft received FAA and EASA certification tbis year. Ryanair intends to operate its first 737 MAX from its Stansted and Bergamo bases.
© aero.uk | 10/06/2021 09:25

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