Hans Airways
Older than 7 days

UK start-up airline preparing to spread its wings later this year

, © Hans Airways
LONDON - A new start-up airline based in the UK is preparing to spread its wings later this year. Hans Airways will focus on routes between secondary city pairs in the UK and India eyeing the huge Indian diasporas in Europe and North America. Currently, the airline is waiting for the CAA to approve its AOC application.

According to the airline, management, british and indian authorities are in contact regarding the plans and the AOC of the airline since October 2019. "We are getting ready for our proving flight in October (2021) as part of the process to obtain Hans Airways' AOC", says Director Flight Operations Nathan Burkitt. "We have determined a planned launch date internally, and we will make an annoncement once all regulatory requirements are complete."

The management aims to establish a hybrid business model, harnessing the "value of money" approach adopted by low-cost carriers alongside the "quality of service" approach expected from traditional full-service, long-haul airlines.

Therefore it is hiring Captains and First Officers for its planned A330 fleet via Resource Group. The airline is private owned and counts - according to the management - with support from the Indian community in the UK.

Nevertheless, it is searching for more investors.
© aero.uk | Image: Hans Airways | 25/08/2021 16:09

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