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National Express and Stagecoach plan merger

National Express
National Express, © National Express

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LONDON - Competition between air, rail and road transportation on domestic routes ist heating up as the two largest UK passenger transportation companies are about to merge.

National Express wants to buy its competitor Stagecoach, forging a national passenger transportation giant. The companies will merge in a new group controlled 75 percent by National Express, according to the plans.

Stagecoach - with its 8,500 buses and 25,000 employees - is valued 445 million pounds under the deal. The merger will provide both National Express and Stagecoach new cost cutting potentials.

National Express and Stagecoach are also among the largest airport transfer operators in the UK and operate ring connections between Londung hubs.
© aero.uk | 21/09/2021 11:21

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