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UK to relax rules on carry-on luggage by 2024

3D scanner at Heathrow
3D scanner at Heathrow, © Heathrow Airport

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LONDON - The UK will ease rules on liquids in carry-on luggage within the next two years. According to a media reports, the ongoing introduction of latest generation CT scanners at British airports will also relax security check protocols for travelers with regard to electronic items like notebooks and tablets.

A clearer view into unchecked bags: the British Government will update rules on carry-on luggage, the "Times" and "BBC" report. The move is also expected to reduce queues at security checkpoints.

"We have just started the expansion of the security area in Terminal 3 which will have more CT scanners and have a (regulatory) deadline of mid-2024", Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye told the "Times". "By then the normal passenger experience will be that liquids stay in bags.” 

In the wake of safety concerns, travelers have been limited to 100 ml containers of liquids in unchecked luggage that must fit in a transparent one liter bag since 2006.

Electronic devices - such as notebooks and tablet computers - still have to be presented to security officers. Passengers will be able to leave these items in their bags with the roll-out of advanced screening technology.
© | Image: Heathrow Airport | 24/11/2022 10:37

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