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Virgin Atlantic adds capacity to Manchester

, © Ingo Lang

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MANCHESTER - Virgin Atlantic has announced an expanded flying operation out of Manchester Airport for Summer 2020.

In September, the airline announced it would be adding 30,000 additional seats from the North West for Winter 2019.

A more recent announcement signals continued growth at its Northern base, with the expanded summer schedule to Orlando, Barbados and Las Vegas, increasing capacity on these routes by 11% compared to Summer 2019 - a total of 43,000 extra seats.

"Together with partners Virgin Connect (formerly Flybe) and Delta Air Lines, Virgin Atlantic now offers more choice to passengers than ever before and the family of airlines will have more flights than any other airline at Manchester Airport," the airline said. Together they will offer almost 800,000 long haul seats to popular destinations for Summer 2020.
© aero.uk | 12/11/2019 09:00

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