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Flybe ends Embraer E195 operation

, © Flybe

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LONDON - Flybe phased out its final Embraer E195. The airline will operate a fleet of Bombardier Q400 and Embraer E175 aircraft through the summer.

Flybe dissolved its E195 fleet that peaked at 14 aircraft. The final jet - G-FBEK - was retired Feb. 24th after completing a flight from Edinburgh to Birmingham, "ch-aviation" reports. The airline already phased out its ATR 72-600 fleet earlier this year.

Flybe began 2020 in financial headwinds. The government agreed to hand Flybe a lifeline - up to 100m pounds in credit - and might even take a stake in the carrier.
© aero.uk | 27/02/2020 14:04

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