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British Airways moves A380s to Spain for deep storage

British Airways Airbus A380
British Airways Airbus A380, © British Airways

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LONDON - British Airways sent its oldest pair of Airbus A380s to deep storage Friday - the aircraft were flown to Spanish fleet graveyard Teruel.

British Airways moved four A380s to Spain for the winter. The airline flew G-XLEF and G-XLEG to Madrid earlier this month, where the fleet can be attended by its IAG partner airline Iberia.

Its two oldest A380 - G-XLEA and G-XLEB - left London-Heathrow and Chateauroux for the notorious storage airport Teruel Friday - flagging concerns about a potential phase-out of aircraft that joined British Airways as recently as 2013.

British Airways kept its A380 fleet essentially grounded at Chateauroux since March with only occasional passenger and maintenance flights.
© aero.uk | 23/11/2020 09:38

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