West Atlantic
Older than 7 days

B737-400F suffers structural damage in hard landing

EXETER - A West Atlantic Boeing 737-400F on a service for Royal Mail suffered severe structural damage in a hard landing at Exeter Airport.

The Jan. 19th flight from East Midlands to Exeter was likely the last in the life of the Boeing 737-400 G-JMCY - a hard landing at Exeter left the coverted freighter - operated by West Atlantic - badly damaged with visible structual cracks and dents around the fuselage.

, © TSL

The UK Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) dispatched a team to the accident site. "A team of inspectors are continuing to gather evidence on site at Exeter Airport where we are investigating an incident involving a cargo aircraft which occurred yesterday, 19th January," AAIB said on twitter.
© aero.uk | 20/01/2021 15:19

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