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British Airways takes final A350-1000 delivery

British Airways Airbus A350-1000, © Airbus

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LONDON - British Airways operates Airbus A350-1000 aircraft in its international network since 2019. The airline just received its 18th A350-1000 from Airbus marking the final delivery from the original order. The fleet renewal at British Airways will continue with additional Boeing 787-10 aircraft.

British Airways registered its A350 fleet under an "XWB" code. The fleet build-up that that started in 2019 with delivery of the first A350-1000 G-XWBA has just been completed when British Airways took delivery of its 18th A350-1000 G-XWBS Wednesday, Feb. 21st.

The airline sends its 331 seater Airbus to all directions from the Heathrow hub - the A350-1000 networks spans from Las Vegas to Cape Town and Mumbai.

British Airways only operates the -1000 version of the A350. By contrast, the Boeing 787 fleet at British Airways includes all three versions. British Airways currently operates 12 787-8, 18 787-9 and seven 787-10. Parent company IAG converted options for six more 787-10 in 2023 to be delivered to British Airways.
© aero.uk | Image: Airbus | 22/02/2024 11:10

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